The Promo Engagement Summary is a one-page snapshot of your email and music consumption metrics. It's an excellent, high-level way of measuring how your promo performs.
There are two ways to view an engagement summary:
Click the Engagement link next to any promo on your Dashboard
Hover over Releases and click My Releases
Select a promo in the left column
Click More Options and choose Engagement
Here is a sample Engagement Summary
The Engagement Summary provides the following information:
- The number of emails sent out and the total number of recipients
- The percentage of recipients who opened the email at least once
- The view count for contacts, and if the promo is (or was) configured as public with a shareable link enabled, the anonymous view count
- The total streams for all tracks
- The song with the most streams
- The number of individual songs downloaded
- The song with the most individual downloads
- The total number of full album downloads
- The total contacts granted access